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Skip Counting by 2s Song: KS1 Maths

Skip Counting by 2s Song: KS1 Maths

INCLUDED: 1. Skip Counting by 2 Animated Music Video VIDEO SUMMARY In this count by two video we'll be counting dinosaurs, wild boars, and more as we skip count by two to twenty-four! Come ride a dinosaur as you sing WAHOO with park ranger Larry and never forget the multiples of two ever again! Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. Skip Counting by 2 Lyrics 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 …Roaring Dinosaurs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 …Snorting Wild Boar 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 …Squawking Condors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 …Barking Labradors Grade Level Suitability by Region USA: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade UK: Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 Australia: Grade 1, Grade 2 New Zealand: Stage 4 / Year 2 - Stage 5 / Year 3
Units of Time: KS2 Song

Units of Time: KS2 Song

Included: 1. Units of Time Animated Music Video 2. Units of Time Song Lyrics 3. Units of Time Vocab Reinforcement Sheet Units of Time Measurement VIDEO SUMMARY Learn about the way humans have come to measure time. From seconds to millenniums, months to explaining leap years and more, this song goes over everything you need know about our modern system of time. Incredibly catchy, and as entertaining as it is informative, this music video will have your students asking you to hit replay. It creatively impresses the units of time, months of the year, and more into your students memory with its memorable tune and lively animations. Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. LYRICS We know that there’s 1 minute If we can fit 60 seconds in it. If we could stack minutes and build a tower, There would be 60 minutes in 1 hour. When 12 hours pass, then we’re halfway To 24 hours, which makes a day. And a week is complete in 7 days, But the length of a month is harder to say. They can be 28 to 31 days long; One of them contains the day that you were born on! January, March, May, July, August, October, December: All have 31 days; all have 31 days. April, June, September, and November: All have 30 days; all have 30 days. February has 28 days, but when it’s a leap year, It’s got 29 days; it’s got 29 days. The length of a year is hard to make clear, ‘cause one of every four years is a leap year. The common years happen three in a row They have 365 days, you know. Then a leap year comes with an intercalary, That’s the name of the extra day in February. That’s why leap years have 366 days And why February’s number of days can change. REPEAT CHORUS 10 years is a decade, 100 years is a century, And a millennium’s 1000 of history! Grade Level Suitability by Region USA: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade UK: Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 Australia: Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4 New Zealand: Stage 4 / Year 2 - Stage 5 / Year 3, Year 4
Counting to 100 Song: Reception/KS1 Maths Song

Counting to 100 Song: Reception/KS1 Maths Song

Included: 1. MUSIC VIDEO: Counting to 100 Song for Reception - Year 1 - Year 2 This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. ABOUT VIDEO Ralphy the rabbit gets his friend Gerald the Gerbil, to come out an play on a sunny day while they count 100 in the clouds while dancing with all of their friends! Come along and check out our first NUMBEROCK song for Reception and Year 1! UK Age Range: |Reception - Year 1 - Year 2 | KS1 - KS2 Maths
Rounding Numbers to the Nearest 10 and 100: KS1 Song

Rounding Numbers to the Nearest 10 and 100: KS1 Song

Included: 1. Rounding Numbers Music Video for KS1 and KS2 2. Rounding Numbers Lyrics 3. Rounding Numbers Reinforcement Sheet VIDEO SUMMARY “The number to the right must be found: Five or more? ROUND UP! Less than five? ROUND DOWN!” You're students will definitely ask you to play this one again. Rounding has never been as engaging as it is in this math song that you'd think could be a pop hit if it was about something other than math. Just hit the arrow, let the video play, and relax while you get ready to take a vacation to the land of rounding 10s and 100s. Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. LYRICS When rounding to a certain place value, Find the rounding place, then continue to Look at the number to the right; man, you don’t need luck. If the digit’s five or more, then round up. If the digit’s less than five, then round down. That’s how the rounded number is found. When rounding up, the rounding place goes up by one. When rounding down, it stays where it had begun. The numbers to the right of the rounded digit Get changed to zeros; then it’s legit. When you need to find out an approximate amount, Rounding gives you numbers that are easy to count! Here’s a trick to use... to help you choose Where the digit to the right tells you to move. Draw zero to ten on a hill, with five on top. A car drives until it comes to a stop. If it’s five or more, it moves forwards. If it’s one through four, it moves backwards. Forward rounds up; backward rounds down; Just a little trick to help you round! Grade Level Suitability by Region USA: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade UK: Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 Australia: Grade 3, Grade 4 New Zealand: Stage 6 / Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5
3D Shapes: KS1 Song

3D Shapes: KS1 Song

Included: 1. 3D SHAPES Animated Music Video 2. 3D SHAPES Song Lyrics 3. 3D SHAPES Vocab Reinforcement Sheet 3d Shapes VIDEO SUMMARY We go from the ancient pyramids of Egypt, to a birthday party, and finally into outer space as we tackle the concept of 3-D shapes. This song will get your students singing, moving, and learning. It creatively impresses the conceptual knowledge behind 3D solid shapes deep into your students memory with its catchy tune and lively animations! Your students will end up singing our songs out at recess and back at home: They are that engaging! The 3D shapes names which are introduced in this video include pyramids, cylinders, spheres, cubes, rectangular prisms, and cones. Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. LYRICS Cylinders look like soda cans. They’re the shape of pots and pans. They have two circular bases that are congruent and parallel faces. You see cones in construction zones or when you’re eating ice cream cones. All points of their circular base meet at the same point like a party hat! These are all three-dimensional shapes. They all have a base and take up space. Pyramids are what the ancient Egyptians made; the Mayans and the Aztecs did the same. They’re made with a polygon at the base and triangular faces that meet in one place. Some prisms are rectangular like a room. Some prisms are triangular like a roof. Polygons with edges joining at the vertices make a prism, as you can see! These are all three-dimensional shapes. They all have a base and take up space. There’s one special three-dimensional shape. They’re called spheres, like the planets in outer space. On sphere’s, there’s no base to be found, because every sphere is perfectly round! 3D Shapes Edges Faces and Vertices! Grade Level Suitability by Region: USA: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade UK: Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 Australia: Grade 1, Grade 2 New Zealand: Stage 4 / Year 2 - Stage 5 / Year 3
Capacity: KS1 Maths Song

Capacity: KS1 Maths Song

Included: 1. Capacity Animated Music Video 2. Capacity Song Lyrics 3. Capacity Vocab Reinforcement Sheet VIDEO SUMMARY (Teaches Fluid Ounces, Cups, Pints, Quarts, and Gallons) This 3-D animated movie will have you singing along as you memorize the meanings of fluid ounces, cups, pints, quarts, and gallons. It even gives kids a challenging lunchtime experiment to try with their milk cartons to discover first-hand the amount of fluid in a fluid ounce. As if it wasn't cool enough that this original song and animation will lay a solid foundational base for concerting capacities, it has the added bonus of being catchy and memorable. We know you'll agree! Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. LYRICS One gallon split into fourths is four quarts. Take that and divide by two and you got a pint. Split that pint up into halves and make a cup, and that cup will fit eight fluid ounces inside of it. One gallon is four quarts (or eight pints, or sixteen cups)! one quart is two pints (or four cups, or thirty-two fl ounces)! One pint is two cups (or sixteen fl ounces) One cup is eight fluid ounces A gallon of milk split in fourths makes four quarts. Split a quart of milk in half; then a pint is what you’ll have, Which can make two cups you see often When you drink your school milk carton. If you can drink the milk in eight sips, Each is about an ounce going through your lips Volume is a word that’s familiar, And capacity and volume are similar; And though it’s easy to assume, Capacity’s not exactly volume. Capacity’s how much something can hold; The amount is always the same. Volume’s the measure of what’s inside, And that amount can change. UK Age Range: | Year 2 - Year 3 - Year 4 | KS1 - KS2 Maths
6 Times Tables: KS2 Maths Multiplication Song

6 Times Tables: KS2 Maths Multiplication Song

Included: 1. 6 Times Table Animated Music Video VIDEO SUMMARY Energize your classroom with the help of DJ Six Tables & the NUMBEROCK Dance Club! As soon as the beat drops, your students will be singing, moving, and learning to this awesome math jam. Review the six tables through x12 in an unimaginably fun way as DJ Six Tables spins the vinyl and gets your students HYPED about MATH! Your students will end up singing this song out at recess and back at home: it is that engaging! Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. LYRICS 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72: All these are multiples in the six table (x2). Six, twelve, eighteen, twenty-four, thirty, thirty-six, forty-two, forty-­eight, fifty­-four, sixty, sixty-six, seventy-two: All these are multiples (six, twelve, eighteen, twenty-four) in the six table (thirty, thirty-six, forty-two). (x2) Grade Level Appropriateness by Region: USA: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade UK: Year 4, Year 5 Australia: Grade 3, Grade 4 New Zealand: Stage 5 / Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5
Metric Conversions: KS2 Maths Revision Song

Metric Conversions: KS2 Maths Revision Song

Included: 1. Metric System Music Video Video Summary Join us while we navigate around the beach-side in Metric City as we find lots of interesting items, both inside and outside, and determine about how long each item is. The song is so catchy, we worry your students may not be able to get it out of their heads - but we think that is the secret of this song's success! The song focuses on length, but also shows a few of examples of things that are weighed in grams and kilograms. Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. VIDEO SUMMARY A millimeter you can understand, Is about as long as a grain of sand. When you buy food at lunchtime, It's about the thickness of a dime. A staple from side to side Is about a centimeter wide. A fingernail on a girl or guy Is about a centimeter high. 10 Millimeters = 1 Centimeter 100 Centimeters = 1 Meter 1000 Meters = 1 Kilometer And it's the same for grams and liters. A schoolbus' diameter Is about 1 meter. And a meter is about as far, As the length of a guitar. 10 soccer (football) fields in a row About a kilometer you'll go. It's about how far you walk If you cross 12 city blocks. Imagine holding a grain of sand About a Millimeter Or a marble in your hand About a Centimeter A door handle from the floor About a Meter A 10-minute walk on the shore About a Kilometer UK Age Range: | Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5 | KS2 and KS3 Maths
Rounding Decimals & Whole Numbers: KS2 Maths Song

Rounding Decimals & Whole Numbers: KS2 Maths Song

Included: 1. MUSIC VIDEO 2. LYRIC SHEET 3. VOCAB REINFORCEMENT SHEET Product Description Pack your bags and lets go jet-setting around the world. We'll discover whole numbers and decimals to round in the airport, at the seaport, and even when our rental car is in the shop. This professionally animated video is fortified by a song so catchy that your students may never be able to forget the main principles which unlock the key to rounding whole numbers and decimals. Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. LYRICS When rounding to a certain place value, Find the rounding place, then continue to Look at the number to the right; man, you don’t need luck. If the digit’s five or more, then round up. If the digit’s less than five, then round down. That’s how the rounded number is found. When rounding up, the rounding place goes up by one. When rounding down, it stays where it had begun. The numbers to the right of the rounded digit Get changed to zeros; then it’s legit. When you need to find out an approximate amount, Rounding gives you numbers that are easy to count! When rounding to a decimal place value, Find the rounding place, and then continue... The process to round decimals is the same. You just need to know the place value names. The number to the right must be found: Five or more? ROUND UP! Less than five? ROUND DOWN! When rounding up, the rounding place goes up by one. When rounding down, it stays where it had begun. When you round decimals, you can erase What’s right of the rounded digit’s place. Here’s a trick to use... to help you choose Where the digit to the right tells you to move. Draw zero to ten on a hill, with five on top. A car drives until it comes to a stop. If it’s five or more, it moves forwards. If it’s one through four, it moves backwards. Forward rounds up; backward rounds down; Just a little trick to help you round!! UK Age Range: | Year 4 - Year 5 - Year 6 | KS2 - KS3 Maths
Area and Perimeter: KS2 Maths Measurement Song

Area and Perimeter: KS2 Maths Measurement Song

Included: 1. MUSIC VIDEO 2. LYRIC SHEET 3. VOCAB REINFORCEMENT SHEET VIDEO SUMMARY Pull up a chair at our table to learn about perimeter and area in this fun song & video (and no animals on the dinner table please!) We use tables to show area and chairs to represent perimeter in this fun little video. Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. Area & Perimeter Song Lyrics How many chairs can we fit here ‘til we can fit no more? Count with me, “one, two, three, four”: the perimeter is four. How many tables are there in this cafeteria? There’s only one table in this cafeteria. One square is the area; one times one is the area. How many chairs can we fit here to set the table for dinner? One, two, three, four, five, six chairs: that’s the perimeter. How many tables are there in this cafeteria? One, two tables in the cafeteria: two squares is the area; one times two is the area. How many chairs can we fit here so there’s one for every plate? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight: the perimeter is eight. How many tables are there in this cafeteria? One, two, three tables in the cafeteria: three squares is the area; one times three is the area. UK Age Range: | Year 4 - Year 5 | KS2 Maths
Greater Than Less Than Song: Two KS1 & KS2 Maths Songs

Greater Than Less Than Song: Two KS1 & KS2 Maths Songs

Included: 1. MUSIC VIDEO: Greater Than Less Than Song for Year 1 - Year 2 (Numbers to 100) 2. MUSIC VIDEO: Greater Than Less Than Song for Year 2 - Year 3 (Numbers to 1000) This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. ABOUT VIDEO Slater is a very hungry alligator who always eats the number that is greater! Watch him walk around his hometown marsh and swamp in this greater than less than video as he eats human food and goes apple picking for the largest apple he can find. On a somewhat unrelated side note, Slater has an Australian accent and will get quite chatty towards the end of the video! He'll brush up the facts about comparing numbers with a speech that will leave you informed as well as entertained. UK Age Range: | Year 1 - Year 2 - Year 3 - Year 4 | KS1 - KS2 Maths
9 Times Tables: KS2 Maths Multiplication Song

9 Times Tables: KS2 Maths Multiplication Song

Included: 1. 9 Times Table Animated Music Video Video Summary You are invited to travel back in time to a party at the end of a quiet country road in New York (1925 AD) to learn about the multiples of nine. Learning about multiplication facts has never been more fun! Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. LYRICS to 9 Times Tables Song ARE YOU READY TO DANCE? 9 (nine) 18 (eighteen) 27 (twenty-seven) 36 (thirty-six) 45 (forty-five) 54 (fifty-four) 63 (sixty-three) 72 (seventy-two) 81 (eighty-one) 90 (ninety) 99 (ninety-nine) 108 (one-hundred-eight) Let's have some fun! Let's have some fun! On the dance floor... Let's multiply 1 (one) through 12 (twelve) by 9 (nine) Let's multiply 1 (one) through 12 (twelve) by 9 (nine) 9 (nine) 18 (eighteen) 27 (twenty-seven) 36 (thirty-six) 45 (forty-five) 54 (fifty-four) 63 (sixty-three) 72 (seventy-two) 81 (eighty-one) 90 (ninety) 99 (ninety-nine) 108 (one-hundred-eight) Let's have some fun! Let's have some fun! On the dance floor... Let's multiply 1 (one) through 12 (twelve) by 9 (nine) Let's multiply 1 (one) through 12 (twelve) by 9 (nine) Grade Level Appropriateness by Region: USA: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade UK: Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 Australia: Grade 3, Grade 4 New Zealand: Stage 4 - Stage 5 / Year 3, Year 4, Year 5
8 Times Tables: KS2 Multiplication Song

8 Times Tables: KS2 Multiplication Song

INCLUDED: 1. 8 Times Table Animated Music Video VIDEO SUMMARY Fly up, up, and away with us as we sing the 8s all the way to outer space. Then join us on a far away foreign planet where alien life forms get in on the fun! Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. LYRICS 8 (eight), 16 (sixteen), 24 (twenty-four), 32 (thirty-two), 40 (forty), 48 (forty-eight) 56 (fifty-six), 64 (sixty-four), 72 (seventy-two), 80 (eighty), 88 (eighty-eight), 96 (ninety-six) Let's see if we can keep skip counting by 8 at an even faster rate! Grade Level Appropriateness by Region: USA: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade UK: Year 4, Year 5 Australia: Grade 3, Grade 4 New Zealand: Stage 5 / Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5
Ordering Decimals: KS2 Song

Ordering Decimals: KS2 Song

Included: 1. Ordering Decimals Animated Music Video 2. Ordering Decimals Song Lyrics 3. Ordering Decimals Vocab Reinforcement Sheet Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. Grade Level Suitability by Region USA: 4th Grade, 5th Grade UK: Year 5, Year 6 Australia: Grade 4, Grade 5 New Zealand: Level 4 / Year 6, Year 7
Ounces, Pounds Tons: Customary Measurements KS2 Song

Ounces, Pounds Tons: Customary Measurements KS2 Song

Included: 1. Ounces, Pounds Tons Animated Music Video 2. Ounces, Pounds Tons Song Lyrics 3. Ounces, Pounds Tons Vocab Reinforcement Sheet VIDEO SUMMARY Watch Yolanda explore various objects that weigh ounces, pounds, and tons. At one point, she even turns into a Walrus - which on average weigh about 2000 lbs [or one ton!] Other highlights in this video include finding treasure, playing ball, and even a cameo by a REALLY hip nun driving a sports car. Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. LYRICS Put sixteen ounces on a scale; It’ll weigh one pound without fail. Pick up sixteen ounces off the ground, And you just lifted one pound. And if a ball weighs sixteen ounces, A pound hits the ground every time it bounces. If you weighed two thousand pounds, you couldn’t run, ‘cause if you weighed that much you would be one ton! But if you found treasure, it would be real fun, If all that gold weighed up to one ton, ‘cause all that would make mounds and mounds, As a ton is equal to two thousand pounds! I looked up how many ounces were in a pound, and sixteen ounces is what I found. Then I stacked up pounds until they weighed a ton, And it took two thousand until I was done. Lots of things weigh about an ounce, Like four quarters or a friendly mouse. Lots of things weigh about a pound, Like this bottle of soda that my teacher found. Lots of things weigh about a ton, Like a small car driven by a really hip nun! I looked up how many ounces were in a pound, And sixteen ounces is what I found. Then I stacked up pounds until they weighed a ton, And it took two thousand until I was done. UK Age Range: | Year 2 - Year 3 - Year 4 | KS1 - KS2 Maths
Subtraction with Borrowing: KS2 Maths Revision Song

Subtraction with Borrowing: KS2 Maths Revision Song

Included: 1. Subtraction with Borrowing Animated Music Video 2. Subtraction with Borrowing Song Lyrics 3. Subtraction with Borrowing Vocab Reinforcement Sheet In the video we will term this concept, "Subtraction with Regrouping", but the learning intention remains exactly the same. Either term, Subtraction with Regrouping, or Subtraction with Borrowing is acceptable internationally. ABOUT SUBTRACTION REGROUPING MUSIC VIDEO ANIMATION Farmer Jerry loves to rap about borrowing in subtraction equally as much as he hates getting chased by those pesky bees! Listen to Farmer Jimmy spin some slick rhymes as he shows us what's going on when we regroup in subtraction. Come along and take a visit to the farm with us, you'll be glad you did! LYRICS Thirty hens where hanging in their chicken pen When eleven of them suddenly jumped over the fence. How many hens remained in the pen? To figure out the difference, we’ll use subtraction. Zero minus one can't be done Because the top number’s smaller than the bottom one. So we regroup a ten into ten ones When the top number’s smaller in subtraction. (Nineteen hens stayed in the pen!) There were twenty bumble bees flying all around me. I yelled, “shoo!” and two decided to leave. Then how many bumble bees were chasing me? If we regroup, we can find the difference with ease. Zero minus two, here’s what to do, ‘cause the zero is smaller than the two. So we regroup a ten into ten ones When the top number’s smaller in subtraction. (Eighteen bees are still chasing me) * UK Age Range: | Year 2 - Year 3 - Year 4 | KS1 - KS2 Maths
Inches, Feet & Yards: KS2 Length Song

Inches, Feet & Yards: KS2 Length Song

Included: 1. Customary Units of Length Animated Music Video 2. Inches, Feet, Yards Song Lyrics 3. Customary Units of Length Vocab Reinforcement Sheet VIDEO SUMMARY What in the world do superheroes have to do with measuring things in inches, feet, and yards; apparently a lot; because a new race of superheroes have made it their mission to teach us about the relative lengths of standard units and how they compare to one another. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce The Women and Men of Measurement! Through this fun and whimsical melody, your students will unlock the meanings of inches, feet, and yards. They'll remind themselves of the units for fun on the playground, lunchroom, or maybe even over the dinner table as the sing this catchy tune over and over again. LYRICS We are the women and men of measurement; if there’s a distance, we find the length of it. We know we can always put twelve inches inside a foot. And one yard just won’t be complete if it does not contain three feet. One inch is what you’ve got if you’re looking at the top of a bottle a’ pop. On your thumb there’s about one inch from your knuckle to your fingertip. We are the women and men of measurement; if there’s a distance, we find the length of it. The length of the folder where your work is put measures out to just one foot. You’ll find a foot if you just look at the height of the parrot on my hook. A football field has one hundred marks; each one is a yard apart. At the plate with a softball bat, a yard is about what you’re looking at. We are the women and men of measurement; if there’s a distance, we find the length of it. Open our fingers a pinch and make an inch; then make our hands look just like a foot. Put them three times as far and make a yard; now we know how long they are! UK Age Range: | Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5 | KS2 Maths
Types of Lines: KS2 Song

Types of Lines: KS2 Song

Included: 1. Types of Lines Animated Music Video 2. Types of Lines Maths Song Lyrics 3. Types of Lines Vocab Revision Sheet Video Summary Join our perceptive robot investigator as he goes out into the real world to find examples of parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines. Your students will be singing & dancing, all the while learning or reinforcing the knowledge of parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines. This is not your ordinary maths song, which you soon find out when seeing your students wildly enthusiastic reactions. Shameless Sales Pitch This song is going to be a huge success with your students. NUMBEROCK songs keep safely away from creating the run-of-the-mill math music that often makes teachers wince and students cringe. Use the song as a teaching aid during your rounding unit, or while you review for your SATS math revision towards the end of the school year. We're so highly confident that our math music will be a real game changer in your classroom that if you aren't more than adequately satisfied with your purchase, we will enthusiastically refund your full purchase by contacting us at letsrockmath@gmail.com. LYRICS You’ll find lines that are perpendicular On a rectangle’s perimeter. Or let’s break it down even simpler: They make right angles in particular. Parallel lines never meet; Intersecting lines make v’s; Perpendicular lines meet at 90 degrees; Put your hands in the air with me!! Parallel... intersecting... perpendicular... are rectangular! Now, let’s talk about detecting If two lines are intersecting. It’s the name that we select If at any point two lines connect. Parallel lines never meet; Intersecting lines make v’s; Perpendicular lines meet at 90 degrees; Put your hands in the air with me!! Chorus When lines will never touch, then you can tell That those two lines are parallel. Like these telephone wires up above the street, Parallel lines will never meet. UK Age Range: | Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5 - Year 6 | KS2 Maths
Types of Triangles: KS2 Maths Song

Types of Triangles: KS2 Maths Song

Video Summary Skateboards, mountain climbing, billiards… I love this stuff, and that's why I put it all into this song about triangles that is filled with real-world connections. We see triangles all around us, so it was easy to make this song especially relevant to the lives of students. Learn how to classify triangles by their sides (scalene, isosceles, & equilateral) and by the angles (acute, obtuse, & right) in this ridiculously catchy rock song. LYRICS Isosceles triangles have two equal sides like this mountain we’re about to climb; and since one angle’s over ninety degrees, an obtuse triangle is what we see. If you add up every angle, there are one hundred eighty degrees in a triangle. If the length is equal on every side, we say it’s equilateral, like this road sign; and since every angle’s less than 90 degrees, an acute triangle it will also be. If skateboard ramps are your scene, with three different sides they’re called scalene. That triangle would also be called right if a ninety degree angle is inside. There are two ways to classify triangles: by their sides and their angles, like sails out on the high seas can be right or isosceles. Or look at the foot of this goose; it’s scalene and obtuse. When you break pool balls with a cue, they’re equilateral and acute. UK Age Range: | Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5 | KS2 Maths
Skip Counting by 5 - KS1 Times Tables

Skip Counting by 5 - KS1 Times Tables

Come along with Kem as he embarks on the trip of a lifetime - an African safari! He'll learn to count by fives as he gets into precarious situations with wild animals. At the end, Kem get a little too close to the hippos and get chased down the stream! Watch to find out Kem's fate! LYRICS Verses: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 ...Wildebeest on the Serengeti ...Sharks swimming in the sea ...Gorillas by the trees ...Giraffes eating the leaves ...Hippos on a Safari Chorus: Alive, in the wild they thrive, hanging out in groups of 5. Skip Counting by 5 Grade Level Appropriateness by Region: USA: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade UK: Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 Australia: Grade 3, Grade 4 New Zealand: Stage 4 - Stage 5 / Year 3, Year 4, Year 5